Monday, August 26, 2013

VOCABULARY #2 (Expository Writing Class)

obesity: the condition of being grossly fat or overweight

accumulate:gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

mass:a coherent, typically large body of matter with no definite shape.

disease: something that harms your body

diet: things you eat

prevalence: the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

stigma: the association given to something

prevent(able): something that can be stopped

adolescent: a young adult, typically from ages 12-16

cardiovascular: having to do with the heart

excessive: too much of something

mechanism:a natural or established process by which something takes place or is brought about

sedentary: (of a person) tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

predispose: make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.

syndrome: a group of symptoms that consistently occur together or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms

VOCABULARY #2 (AP English)

accoutrements-An accessory item of equipment or dress
Most girls feel the need to add accoutrements to their everyday clothes.

apogee-the highest point in the development of something; the climax or culmination
Once I get to the apogee of a book, I can not put it down until I know what happens.

apropos-with reference to; concerning; to the purpose

bicker-argue about petty and trivial matters; to engage in petulant or peevish argument
Bickering over the best way to color is a waste of time.

coalesce-to grow together or into one body; come together and form one mass or whole
Their Patronus Charm coalesced into a beautiful flower.

contretemps-an embarrassing mischance; an unexpected and unfortunate occurrence
When I went to return a gift, I had a contemptuous encounter with the person who gave it to me.

convolution-a rolled up or coiled condition.
When the sting fell to the floor, it ended up in a convolution.

cull-select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources;to choose; select; pick.
Wizards who attend Hogwarts are culled from all over the world.

disparate-essentially different in kind; dissimilar
Muggles and Wizards are disparate in their abilities.

dogmatic-asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner
When the teacher said his opinio, he said it in a dogmatic way; making everyone else who disagree with him look wrong.

licentious-promiscuous; sexually unrestraineds
Behaving in a licentious way in public can have harsh remarks from adults who are conservatives.

mete-dispense or allot justice, to distribute or apportion by measure
Packets of supplies were meted to the medical interns.

noxious-morally harmful
The noxious behavior displayed at the party stooped the nuns from going inside.

polemic-a controversial argument
Gay marriage is not a polemic topic anymore because it is more accepted now.

populous-having a large population
The city was populous during the spring break.

probity-integrity and uprightness; honesty and decency; having moral values
Her probity made her parents proud.

repartee-a quick, witty reply.
When an artist gets critized, their fans make a quick repartee.

supervene-to take place or occur as something additional
After the play, a supervene scene was acted, making the play a family favorite.

truncate-detailed explanations.
His didactic lecture was truncated by the rude students talking.

unimpeachable-above suspicion; entirely trustworthy
In order to have an unimpeachable argument, make sure you have trustworthy sources.


I worked on the Beowulf Questions with Marisol, Erica, Elisia, and Vanessa. We split the questions up on Facebook, all receiving either 10 or 11 questions each. The questions took me quite a while to complete because since the English version  was a bit confusing, I looked up the Spanish version. Even though the Spanish version was easier to understand, I needed to translate the words to English again.

Person 1: Erica Marquez
Questions: Prologue- The fight with Grendel  (10Q)           

[Prologue: The Rise of the Danish Nation]

1)Realize that this prologue introduces the Danes, not Beowulf or his people the Geats. What was unusual about the way Shield came to be ruler of the Danes? What was his funeral like? What relation is Hrothgar to Shield?

The unusual thing about Shield’s journey to become a ruler was that he came from humble beginning. He was not wanted by is parents. Despite all of the neglect in his early years he became a ruler. For his funeral he was put on a boat in which he had many treasures and material goods. The relation between Hrothgar and Shield is that they are family.

[Heorot is Attacked]

1)What magnificent work did Hrothgar undertake? Who attacked it, and with what result? How long did the attacks last? What was the response of the Danes?
Hrothgar built the Heorot hall. Grendel the monster attacked it and attacks/kills thirty men. The attacks last for 12 years. That is also the amount of year Danes residents are in fear. 

[The Hero Comes to Heorot]

1)What does Beowulf do when he hears of Hrothgar's problems with Grendel?
Beowulf decides to take action and help. He takes 14 of his toughest men and they all sail to Danes to stop Grendel from doing more harm.
2)Whom do the Geats first meet when they arrive in Denmark? What does he do, and what do they do?
The Geats first met a guard whom questions them about their arrival and purpose to be in that town. They respond that they come to help kill Grendel.
       3)They next meet Hrothgar's herald. Who is he? What does he tell them? What does he tell Hrothgar? What does Hrothgar respond? Are you surprised that Hrothgar knows Beowulf so well?
Herald (Wiglaf) is a kind of watchman/messanger. He interrogates the Geats, and after he knows there purpose for being there he tells Hrothgar about them. Hrothgar is pleased to have them help.
4)What does Beowulf tell Hrothgar when he enters? What did Hrothgar do for Beowulf's father?
Beowulf brags about himself and say he will be able to kill Grendel very easily. Hrothgar helps Beowulf’s dad with some issues.
[Feast at Heorot]                       
1)What does Unferth accuse Beowulf of? How does Beowulf answer him? How is this episode relevant to the poem as a whole? What does Beowulf accuse Unferth of?
Unferth doubts Beowulf’s accomplishments. Beowulf says his accomplishments loud and proud. He also accuses Unferth of killing his brothers. This episode is relevant to the poem as a whole because Beowulf’s confident and honor is present. Beowulf is ready to protect his reputation through out the whole poem.
2)What is Queen Wealhtheow doing during the feasting?
She is being flirty welcoming to the Geats.
[The Fight with Grendel]
1)Heroic poetry normally has a scene in which the hero arms for battle. What is different about Beowulf's preparations for his fight with Grendel?
Beowulf is actually very nervous before the battle yet he refuses to wear armor.
2)What happens when Grendel enters Heorot? How does Beowulf fight with him? What happens when Grendel tries to leave? Does Grendel escape? What does he leave behind?
When Grendel enters Heorot the hall shakes and rings. Beowulf and Grendal fight in the hall. They battle across the floor and in every direction. When Grendal tries to escape he is powerless. He manages to escape wounded, and expected to die soon. Grendal leaves his arm, claw and shoulder behind.
Person 2: Marisol Duarte
[Celebration at Heorot] 

1. When the Danes and Geats return from following Grendel's tracks to the mere, someone sings in Beowulf's presence, comparing him to Sigemund and saying that he was not like Heremod (lines 883-914). How is Beowulf like Sigemund? How is he not like Heremod? (Be alert for inserted stories such as this one. Beowulf contains many of them, most much more complex that this one.)
- Beowulf is like Sigemund because they are both considered heroes, who became known for their good deeds. Beowulf is not like Heremond because Beowulf does things out of kindness. Heremond, on the other hand, does things for the glory that comes with them.
2. How does Hrothgar respond to Beowulf's deed? What does he offer to do for him? What does Unferth have to say now?
- Hrothgar is extremely happy due to Beowulf's deed. Hrothgar showers Beowulf with gifts and even announces Beowulf as his son. Unferth has absolutely nothing to say and remains quiet. 
3. The singer sings of Finn during the feasting (lines 1070-1158). The exact details of the Finn story are not clear, but in general, what happens? What does it suggest about the wisdom of using a woman as bride to heal enmity between tribes?
- Finn gets married with Hildeburgh in order heal the hatred between the two tribes. Using a woman as a bride can ultimately bring enemies together and unite the tribes.
4. When the feasting resumes, what does Wealhtheow ask Hrothgar not to do?
- When the feasting resumes Wealhtheow asks Hrothgar to not give the throne to Beowulf, but to their son instead. 
5. Wealhtheow gives Beowulf a large, broad necklace. What later happens to it? What does Wealhtheow ask Beowulf to do?
- Beowulf gives the necklace to Hygelac. Wealhtheow asks Beowulf to help and take care of her sons.
6.  Why do so many men remain in the beer hall to sleep? Why is it a mistake?
- So many men remain in the beer hall to sleep because they believe that it's safe now that Grendel is dead. Sleeping in the hall is a mistake because Grendel's mother arrives at the hall that night seeking revenge. 

[Another Attack]

1. Why has Grendel's mother come to Heorot? Is it the same reason Grendel had?
- Grendel's mother has come to Heorot in order to seek revenge. No, Grendel only went to the hall to kill men for no reason whatsoever, while Grendel's mother went to the hall to seek revenge on the men who ended her son's life.
2. What is Hrothgar's response? Whom has Grendel's mother killed?
- Hrothgar is devastated and asks Beowulf for help. Grendel's mother killed Aeschere, Hrothgar's very close friend. 
3. What sort of place is the mere?
- The mere is where Grendel and his mother live. It's a long stretch of water under the shadow of a very large, ugly, grey rock. 

[Beowulf's Funeral]

6. What did the Geats say about Beowulf in the last three lines of the poem? Are these the terms one would expect to be used to describe a military hero?
- The Geats said that Beowulf was the most kind and gentle lord in the world. No, these are not the terms one would expect to be used to describe a military hero because military heroes kill their enemies and killing is neither 'kind' nor a 'gentle' thing to do.

Person 3: Maria
[Beowulf Fights Grendel's Mother] (lines 1383-1650, pp. 63-68)

1.How does Beowulf tell Hrothgar to respond?
he tells him that is better to avenge a friend than to mourn him.

2.What happens at the mere before Beowulf enters it?
the water boils

3.How does Beowulf prepare for the battle? What sword does he take with him?
he puts on his best armor and tells Hrothgar what should be done if he dies. The sword he takes belongs to Unferths, the sword's name is Hrunting

4.What happens when Beowulf enters the mere? What is surprising about where Grendel and his mother live in the mere?
When Beowulf enters the mere, creatures in the water attack him but they are unable to hurt him. The thing that was surprising was that it took Beowulf half a day to get to the mere.

5.What happens to the sword Beowulf borrowed from Unferth?
When Beowulf tries to hit Grendel's mother with Unferth's sword, the sword breaks without hurting her.

6.At one point Beowulf is on the floor, with Grendel's mother sitting on him and drawing her knife. How does Beowulf escape?
he scapes because his armor stoped the knife.

7.How does Beowulf kill Grendel's mother? What weapon does he use? What happens when she dies? What does Beowulf take with him from her home? What happens to the sword he used to kill her?
Beowulf kills GRendel's mother by cutting her neck with a sword he found in the cave that was made by gigants. When she dies, the mere is filled with light, since the light reaches the top, Beowulf's men assume that he died in battle. Beowulf takes her head to land as prove. The sword he used to kill her melted after she died.

8.What happens when Beowulf returns to the surface? Did his men expect him to return?
When Beowulf returns, he finds that his men are gone because they thought the blood in the water was his.

[Further Celebration at Heorot] (lines 1651-1798, pp. 68-71)

1.What does Beowulf give to Hrothgar?
Beowulf gives Hrothgar the head of Grendels's mom and what's left of his sword.

2.What message does Hrothgar have for Beowulf? What and why does he tell us about Heremod? Why and how did Heremod die? What lesson does Hrothgar teach with the Heremod example?
Hrothgar tells beowulf to be a fair king and not to be mislead by pride with the Heremod example.

3.What does Beowulf give to Unferth as he leaves?
he give him his sword