Tuesday, October 29, 2013


-I think that the reason why Gertrude can't see the ghost is because the ghost represents Hamlet conscience. But if that were true, how come the guards were able to see it? I'm still working in that.
-Dr. Preston said that he interpreted as the ghost only presenting himself to people who are pure(?)...that kind of makes sense because Gertrude has little/no morals.
-I think that since Hamlet didn't care that he killed Polonious, he is not going to care who he has to kill in order to get revenge.

The Performative Utterance in William Shakespeare's Hamlet (AP English)

performative: relating to or denoting an utterance by means of which the speaker performs a particular act.
utterance: spoken word, statement or vocal sound; the action of saying or expressing something aloud.

Hamet's struggle is in doing what his brain is telling him to do. And not in whether or not he should kill himself.