Tuesday, September 24, 2013


 In a post to your blog entitled CANTERBURY TALES (I), list any observations about the Prologue.  These may include questions, vocabulary, predictions, literary techniques, and quotes/elements that you found especially effective or memorable.  *Which character's story do you most want to read?



As I look around my room to double check I am taking everything I need.. When I reach for my door, I felt a thightening sensation in my through and chest. I don't know if its because I'm scared or because I'm excited that the moment I have been anticipated has come. As I close the door to my apartment, I tell myself that this school year is going to be amazing because I will get to meet new students.

NETVIBES (AP English & Expos)

hmm. . .at first, creating a netvibe was a bit confusing because I did not know what to put in each collum, now I sort of feel a bit better but I still need to play around with it so I can become a bit more confortable with it. I am having trouble adding my yahoo account to it but I have my gmail, so I gues it's ok. So far, I only have my email accounts, the AP and expos blogs, the weather, and the time.