Thursday, October 31, 2013

vocab 9

aficionado: (noun) fan, enthusiast.
- My cousin, who often spends her time painting, is an aficionado of art.

browbeat: (verb) to intimidate by overbearing words or looks; bully.

commensurate: (adjective) having the same measure; of equal extent, proportionate; having a common measure.

diaphanous: (adjective) very sheer and light; almost completely transparent.
emolument: (noun) profit, salary, or fees from office or employment.

foray: (noun) a quick, sudden attack; a quick raid.

genre: (noun) a class or category of art, music or literature.

homily: (noun) a religious sermon or speech that is intended to provide spiritual education, or any moral lessons that are being imparted, especially when being imparted or taught in a tedious way.

immure: (verb) to enclose within walls; to seclude or confine; to imprison.

insouciant: (adjective) free from concern, worry, or anxiety; carefree; nonchalant.

matrix: (noun) an environment in which something is created.

obsequies: (noun) funeral rite or ceremony.

panache: (noun) a grand or flamboyant manner; style; flair.

persona: (noun) a person; the characters in a play or novel; a person's personality.

philippic: (noun) a cruel attack of words.

prurient: (adjective) having or expressing lustful ideas or desires.

sacrosanct: (adjective) extremely sacred or inviolable.

systematic: (adjective) having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan.

tendentious: (adjective) Marked by a strong implicit point of view; having or showing a definite tendency, bias, or purpose.

vicissitude: (noun) a change or variation.